COVID-19 virus – Information for home and workplaces

COVID-19 virus – Information for home and workplaces

What is it?

COVID-19 is a coronavirus. Human coronaviruses cause mild illness generally, such as the common cold. COVID-19 is a new strain previously unidentified in humans and first identified in China. It has since been spreading in several other countries and is closely related to a bat coronavirus.

How is the virus spread?

COVID-19 is spread from one infected with the virus to another after close contact. It is spread by contaminated droplets from coughing or sneezing as well as by contact with contaminated hands, objects or surfaces.
5 to 6 days is typically the time when symptoms appear after exposure to a person with the virus, however, this can vary from 2 to 14 days. This is the reason we are asked to self-isolate for 14 days if you might have been in contact with a confirmed case. A few people may have been infectious before symptoms developed but most COVID-19 cases appear to be spread from people who have the symptoms. As we all know, new outbreaks of infections are a great public health concern which is rapidly evolving.

COVID-19 on surfaces

According to the World Health Organisation, COVID-19 appears to behave in the same way as other coronaviruses and it’s not certain how long it survives on surfaces. It could be a few hours or several days, studies suggest. This could vary depending on the temperature or humidity and other conditions like the type of surface.

For surfaces suspected to be infected:

Clean the surface with a disinfectant. This will kill the virus as well as protect yourself and others.
Wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitiser.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes.

Symptoms of COVID-19

Patients may have any or all symptoms of the virus including fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose and others. In a more sever case, infection can cause pneumonia with severe acute respiratory distress.

Difference between the flu and COVID-19

Infections of influenza and COVID-19 often have very similar first symptoms. Both can range from mild to severe fever and respiratory symptoms and both can sometimes be fatal.

Both viruses can also be transmitted in the same way. This is by coughing or sneezing, contact with surfaces or objects contaminated with the virus or by contact with hands.

Good hygiene eg hand washing and good household cleaning should be undertaken to prevent both infections along with good respiratory etiquette for example coughing into your elbow or into a dissue and disposing of it immediately.

The flu has a shorter time from infection until symptoms appear meaning the flu can spread faster than COVID-19. Most people have mild symptoms while severe and critical COVID-19 infections are higher than for flu infections.

How long does the COVID-19 infection last?

The period of infection varies from person to person. In an otherwise healthy person, mild symptoms may resolve in a few days. Thos with other ongoing health issues recovery can take weeks or in severe cases even be fatal, similar to influenza.

Returning from another country

If you have returned from overseas in the last 14 days, you should isolate yourself from others. This isolation should be for 14 days from the day you arrived and you should monitor yourself for symptoms.

What if I come into contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19

If you have been in contact with a person who has been confirmed with COVID-19 infection, you need to isolate at home for 14 days after contact with the infected persion. You should report any symptoms and continue to monitor your health.

A close contact is generally somone who has been face to face for at least 15 minutes, or in the same closed space for at least 2 hours with an infectious person. As a precaution if your contact was less than this you should still monitor your health until 14 days after the last exposure to the infected person.
If symptoms develop including a fever and/or respiratory signs, call ahead to talk with a doctor or call healthdirect on 1800 022 222.

For more information about isolation in the home for people suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, see the Health NSW website.


Close contacts and recently returned travellers


Advice and guidance for NSW workplaces see Safe Work Australia


Information for small business owners


How is COVID-19 diagnosed?

Diagnosis is performed by finding evidence of the virus in respiratory samples taken from swabs from the back of the nose and throat or fluid from the lungs. Testing can be taken directly by GPs or private pathology sites that are suitable for collection of COVID-19, or at public hospitals across NSW.

Refer to COVID-19 clinics for locations of NSW Health COVID-19/flu assessment clinics.

Is there a cure or vaccine?

There are no vaccines that protect against COVID-19 and there is no specific treatment. Early diagnosis and general supportive care are important. Symptoms will resolve on their own most of the time. People who have serious disease with complications can be cared for in hospital.

How is the virus prevented?

To significantly reduce the risk of being infected with COVID-19 and of spreading it:

  • Clean your hands often for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand rub/sanitiser
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Otherwise use your elbow, not your hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who have cold or flu-like symptoms
  • Stay home if you have these symptoms
  • Clean surfaces or objects like tables or doorknobs with a common household disinfectant
  • Generally, avoid touching your eyes, mouth or nose
  • Avoid shaking hands with others
  • Try to maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from others
  • Avoid crowded places


This article has been written in plain english for information purposes only.  Please see our Disclaimer regarding content published on this site.


Website has Trust – Why it Matters

Website has Trust – Why it Matters

Everyone who’s had a website built knows a lot of time and money goes into online marketing, SEO, custom development, the web design and website copywriters. What site visitors do when they begin using the actual website is an area that’s often overlooked together with why it matters that your website has trust.

As the owner of a website you may already have a very clear idea about what you want people to do when they’re on your site. You possibly want them to purchase your products online or provide their contact details so you can talk with them at a later time about your services or products.

More often than not, it will matter little how well your website is developed or how great the technology behind your site is. Your site visitors will almost certainly not do what you hope or want them to do if they don’t have any trust in your website.

Website security and general online threats often promote a high level or paranoia out there in the world wide web.

So, what do you do to make sure your website is trusted by people? Starting with the basics you should include your street address and photos of your premises if you are a real business with a physical presence. You also might consider adding images of your staff or yourself to the site. Including a phone number on each page in a prominent place is also a must.

If using an e-commerce website to sell your items online, it’s highly recommended that you include a graphic to show clearly the level of SSL security that protects each transaction on your website. Not only e-commerce websites but

Testimonies so your Website has Trust

Website visitors also tend to feel more comfortable when other people have taken actions before them. For this reason it’s a good idea to have client testimonials featured on your website as well as reviews, product ratings and other mechanisms that demonstrate the website is highly thought of in the wider community for promoting services or products.

People also trust a professional looking website. If your website happens to fall below a certain level of professionalism, often it won’t matter how serious and successful your business is. This level may change depending on the industry and your site users will find it difficult to accept you as a serious provider of the services or products you have on offer.

There are a number of options for your site visitors to determine the level of trust to have for your website.

One thing you can do is pay close attention to what your visitors are doing when they reach your website by installing Google Analytics. This will let you know if they view many pages and whether they stay on your site for an acceptable amount of time. You can also check your key website pages for bounce rate.

It’s also recommended you do an audit of your website. Someone knowledgeable in building effective websites is best to undertake an audit. After taking a look over your site, they’ll be in a good position to make suggestions as to whether it could or should be improved. When you work so hard to attract your visitoirs, your investment to improve your site can be repaid many times by getting the most out of each of them.

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Professional Website – Why your Business Needs One

Professional Website – Why your Business Needs One

Gain Credibility with a Professional Website

These days most people search online to compare prices, find solutions to problems or get information about businesses, restaurants and stores etc before they purchase the things they want.  If you don’t yet have a professional website, your competitors who do, will more than likely get your potential customers especially if you are a business based at home without a shop front address.

Having a website will give your business credibility as well as provide information potential customers are looking for.  It gives you a presence that says you mean business and you’re here to stay.

You may be thinking why should I pay someone to build a website when I have a free one built by myself.  A free website is better than none, of course, but you should consider does it provide you with the professional image you desire for your brand?

A lot more credibility will be gained for your business if you have a professional web developer help to create it. Is there anything less professional than your site saying “Look! I used a free page builder to make a website!”

A site designed professionally and responsively will give your customers a great experience when they visit on their phone, a table or a desktop computer while providing a professional image for your business and brand.

A Professional Website Saves you Money Going Forward

When you consider the costs of advertising such as TV, radio, promotional materials and networking events, a website is a cost effective way to promote your business and build your brand long term.

Think about the potential market you can reach, even if your skill level requires your developer to maintain and update the site for you, the costs will still be lower than ongoing traditional marketing.

If you build your site using WordPress and depending how tech savvy you are, you can add to and update your own content on a regular basis, saving you money.

Keep Customers Informed with a Professional Website

Having a website is a very effective way of introducing new services or products to your customers or to announce future events and special promotions. You can also use a blog on your site to post tips, resources and other information providing added value.

A website is easy to update with current information and news, unlike printed brochures etc, and if you discover any errors after publication, it’s quick and easy to resolve.

Not only can your website be a brochure or catalogue online but you can also promote and grow your business with podcasts, webinars, eBooks containing information about your niche and YouTube videos.  With these resources together with integration of social media, your professional business website can reach an even wider audience.

Accessible 24/7/365

Given today’s busy lifestyles, being able to make a purchase decision 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, is a fabulous selling point. There are many people not able to get to your bricks-and-mortar location and a website makes your products and services accessible from anywhere in the world as long as there’s a connection to the internet.


Antivirus – Choosing Solutions for your Business

Antivirus – Choosing Solutions for your Business

It’s very important to have antivirus installed on your devices these days.  It’s extremely difficult in this day and age to keep your personal data 100% safe.  Millions of users have been affected with even major corporations experiencing large breaches.  If this happens with big corporations, how does a small business or private citizen prevent cyber security breaches from occurring.  Ideally, it’s best to invest in a antivirus that updates automatically and frequently.

Trojans, adware, rootkits, spyware, and ransomware are some of the threats handled by modern antivirus tools.

Windows 10 comes with it’s own antivirus and defence tools but not everyone uses Windows 10 and other users consider it’s not enough and choose a better set of tools for security.

You can select from dozens of programs to use but how do you choose the best one to invest in?

Below are a few of the top rated antivirus features on offer that you should look for:

  • User-friendly navigation and ease of setup
  • Malware detection capability should be excellent
  • Email and web protection
  • Network and router protection
  • Analysis of suspicious files should be automatic
  • Multi-device and multi-platform licensing options
  • A smart scan mode
  • In-product support and troubleshooting
  • Tech support available 24/7 in case you need it

To ensure compatibility with your device or computer operating system, check the system requirements before you install any antivirus program.

If you’re into gaming or movies, another beneficial feature is a mode that will hold notifications so the program runs smoothly in the background and doesn’t interfere with your experience or active apps.

How to Test a Antivirus

A free basic version of the software or a free trial should be on offer.  A basic program for security tools may not offer all the protection you need in the long term, however, don’t be forced to pay any fees or subscriptions right away.

To keep up with all the latest threats, you’ll need the best antivirus software available because cyber criminals are are continuously becoming more sophisticated, especially if you’re running a home office or business.

There are several top rated antivirus solutions available that many experts recommend. In the internet security industry, some of the highly-rated programs are

You can reduce the risk of getting malware, spyware, viruses and other threats significantly when you have a good antivirus installed.